(revised June 2005)


The area represented by the McDaniel Civic Association, and hereafter referred to as the Association, shall be McDaniel Crest, McDaniel Heights and Concord Manor areas bounded by Concord Pike on the west, by Blue Rock Manor on the south, by Shellpot Creek on the east, and Colonial Heights on the north.  


A. Membership in the Association shall be limited to individuals residing in the houses and households within the boundaries of the Association.

B. To become a member of the McDaniel Civic Association, a resident’s dues must be paid as of January 1st of the current fiscal year. Payment of dues is the responsibility of the resident. Dues cas pe paid to your blockworker to an officer. Only paid members as of January 1st will be eligible for an elected position for the following year’s term. A resident may become a member by payment of dues after January 1st; however, to be eligible to vote, dues must be received before the first of April. Non-members can be restricted from social events.

C. Non-resident ownersshall not be eligible for membership in the Association.

D. Each of any two persons eighteen years or older shall be eligible to represent and to vote on behalf of his or her household.

E. No household shall be entitled to more than two votes.


A. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

B. All members shall be eligible to hold office.

C. The Nominating Committee Shall present a slate of candidates to the membership at the general membership meeting held in May. Additional nominations may be received from the floor at the election meeting.

D. Officers shall be elected at the election meeting by the voting membership for a term of a year. They shall assume their duties on June 1st.

E. The powers and duties of the officers shall include the following but shall not be restrictive:
1. The PRESIDENT shall be the executive officer of the Association; shall preside at all membership meetings and Executive Committee meetings; shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee; shall appoint committee chairmen; and shall be responsible for all official transactions of the Association. 
2. The VICE-PRESIDENT shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President in his absence and shall coordinate the work of all standing committees. The Vice-President shall be responsible for the Association’s representation on the Council of Civic Organizations of Brandywine Hundred, Inc.
3. The SECRETARY shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee and also keep all records of the Association other than those hereinafter required to be kept by the Treasurer.
4. The TREASURER shall maintain accurate books and accounts of receipts and expenditures, and of bank and credit balances. He shall make payments in accordance with the budget. Major expenses not provided for in the budget shall be incurred and paid only upon approval of the Executive Committee. All expenses over $200.00 are to be considered major expenses. He shall present a financial statement to the membership at the general election meeting. He shall present the books to the Auditing Committee for audit prior to the general election meeting.

F. Vancancies shall be filled by the Executive Committee.

G. Officers may be removed from office by a 3/4 vote of all members.


A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the four officers and five members elected at large. The Committee members shall be elected at the general election meeting.
B. The Executive Committee shall have general charge and control of the affairs, funds, and property of the Association. It shall present to the voting membership all proposed major program activities and policies.  
C. The Executive Committee shall hold regular monthly meetings from September thru June which may include the Committee Chairmen, blockworkers, and other interested parties or people with special interests or problems. Special meetings may be called by the President.
D. Two-thirds (2/3) of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.


A. There shall be at least two general membership meetings per year. The general election meeting shall be in May and the second general membership meeting shall be in the fall.
B. Notice of the general membership election meeting in May with the proposed slate of officers will be given in writting at least two weeks before the meeting. Special general membership meetings can be called by the Executive Committee.
C. A quorum shall consist of those members present provided proper notification has been given.
D. Designated proxies can be assigned to the Executive Committee to be executed.


A. The fiscal dues year shall be June 1 to May 31.
B. The amount of dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
C. A Treasurer’s report shall be presented at all Executive Committee meetings and general meetings.
D. A budget for the year (June 1 through May 31) shall be presented to the general membership at the fall meeting. 
E. All expenditures shall be approved by the Executive Committee. All checks shall be signed by at least two elected officers.
F. A fund called the McDaniel Civic Association Fund, having a $10,000 maximum limit, will be maintained on a continuing basis as a part of the Association’s funds. The fund will be accumulated and/or replaced at a maximum rate of $5,000 per year from the annual dues of the Association as determined by the budget. The Fund will be used only for those purposes which affect the general welfare of the community, such as legal, engineering and other consultants’ fees.


A. Volunteers shall be approved as block representatives by the Association’s Membership Committee. Block representatives shall be responsible for the distribution of the Association’s newsletter and shall be the communication link between members and the Executive Committee of the Association.
B. The President shall appoint the following committees and/or others as deemed necessary:
1.Membership Committee: Shall be responsible for maintaing an up-to-date listing with pertinent information of all households in the Association. The Membership Committee shall keep a listing of the Block Representatives and coordinate through them the welcoming of new members.
2. Nominating Committee: Shall prepare a slate of candidates for the general election meeting. The Committee shall be composed of no fewer than three members who shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate by April 1.
3. Publicity Committee: Shall be responsible for publicity of all Association functions and the Association newsletter.
4. Safety Committee: Shall investigate unsafe conditions and make recommendations to the Executive Commmittee.
5. Activities Committee: Shall be responsible for initiating and planning events of benefit to the Association.
6. Ways and Means Committee: Shall be responsible for organization of projects in order to raise funds for Association purposes.
7. Auditing Committee: Shall be responsible for auditing the books of the Association and for reporting the results of the audit at the fall general membership meeting.


A. The parliamentary procedure shall be Roberts Rules of Order, 2nd rev. ed.\
B. By-Laws may be ammended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a general membership meeting provided proper notice (as specified in Section V, item b) has been given.